Chlorophyll Water® Now Available at Select GNC Locations
Chlorophyll Water® now available at over 240 GNC locations in California, New York and Pennsylvania.
Chlorophyll Water®, recognized by the Green Business Bureau as “Good for the Mind, the Body, and the Planet,” is now available at GNC, a leading global specialty health, wellness, and performance retailer.
Chlorophyll Water® is a plant-powered purified mountain spring water enhanced with the addition of Chlorophyll, a key ingredient and the distinct green pigment in plant life.
Chlorophyll Water® is bottled at the source, Tomhicken Mountain Springs in Pennsylvania. Tomhicken Mountain Springs is a preserved natural resource protected from the elements by a 1,500-acre forest. The purified mountain spring water in Chlorophyll Water® is then distilled and refined through a three-part purification process, which is triple filtered (including carbon filtration), and then UV treated for purity and quality. Each bottle of Chlorophyll Water® is then fortified with additional vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C and vitamin D.
Chlorophyll Water® is now available online at and at over 240 GNC retail locations in California, New York, and Pennsylvania. Chlorophyll, the main ingredient in Chlorophyll Water®, has been recognized by many for its antioxidant capabilities, including by GNC on their website, which explains, “Plants are packed with phytochemicals, the biologically active, natural compounds plants create. These plant chemicals not only give fruits, veggies and other plants their color, aroma and flavor, but they also protect the plant against harm such as from insects and UV light. These phytochemicals have been studied intensely for their potential benefits in humans as well, with many wielding antioxidant powers.” GNC continues, “Chlorophyll is a phytochemical that has been studied mostly for its antioxidant abilities. Research on cells indicates chlorophyllin may not only neutralize free radicals but may also buffer cell damage in the process.”
Chlorophyll is also gaining in popularity as more consumers recognize the benefits that chlorophyll can do for the human body. And retailers are catching on: retail analytics platform Trendalytics ranked chlorophyll the #1 ingredient for 2022, while the Zoe Report, a website dedicated to women’s wellness, declared “green is the new black,” Chlorophyll Water, the #1 nutrition trend to follow in 2022 to “boost immunity and energy.”
Athletes, health enthusiasts, fitness trainers and yoga teachers have long promoted the benefits of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll Water® has been featured in publications ranging from Forbes to Women’s Health, with dieticians and nutritionists discussing the potential benefits of chlorophyll for athletic performance.
Shape, a women’s health magazine, explains, “…just like chlorophyll keeps plants healthy, chlorophyll could help keep your body in peak condition.” Allie Gregg, a registered dietitian, tells the publication, “Chlorophyll is an antioxidant powerhouse” and “Chlorophyll has enzymes that not only aid the liver in its natural functions as a detoxifier but also help reduce damage to the liver, making it more effective.” Gregg adds that drinking Chlorophyll Water also may also protect your skin, suppress your appetite, aid in weight loss, work as a natural deodorant, and boost the immune system.
Popular fitness website Spartan Race goes into great detail on the potential benefits of chlorophyll for athletic performance in an article entitled “Can Drinking Chlorophyll Water Enhance Your Performance?” Keith Kantor, Ph.D., a nutritionist and dietician, tells Spartan, “Chlorophyll water suppresses appetite, aids in weight loss, decreases spikes in insulin (which lessens cravings), helps with skin healing, helps in detoxifying the blood…increases energy, helps in eliminating odors [works as a natural deodorant], and helps in boosting the immune system.” Kantor adds that chlorophyll can boost your performance: “the natural increase in energy from the vitamins and antioxidants will also boost your immune system while improving performance.”
Holly Perkins, certified strength and conditioning specialist and author of “Lift to Get Lean” and Founder of Women’s Strength Nation explains, “I’ve always loved chlorophyll for its supportive properties and its ability to help counteract the very toxic world we live in, helping me to stay alkaline. Right now I’m loving Chlorophyll Water® because it’s a convenient way for me to grab and go, and I love that it has the added health benefits of purified water and vitamins.”
“Yoga Dan” Gottlieb, an acclaimed yoga instructor and sports performance specialist describes, “Chlorophyll is responsible — in a way — for all life on earth. It is the ‘blood’ of plants and has blood-building properties for our red blood cells. One of the best things you can do is drink Chlorophyll Water®. It is a powerful detoxifying, healing and energizing tonic.”
This past year Chlorophyll Water® has also gained mainstream popularity on social media with the hashtags #chlorophyll and #chlorophyllwater amassing over 580 million mentions on TikTok with many social media users raving about the potential benefits of chlorophyll and sharing their personal results of drinking liquid chlorophyll, everything from anti-aging to clearing up acne, glowing and healthy skin, speeding up metabolism, immune boosting properties, weight loss, detoxification, and boosting energy.
With the popularity, Better Homes & Gardens has declared Chlorophyll Water “The Latest Green Nutritional Trend Taking Over Grocery Stores,” calling it “one of the latest trends for improving health…the research that’s available does suggest the health benefits of chlorophyll include antioxidant activity, gut-health promotion, and anti-inflammation effects.” Other retail outlets are joining grocery stores and fitness centers in recommending Chlorophyll Water and its benefits, such as GNC. In particular, GNC’s mission to motivate and support the desire to live well aligns with Chlorophyll Water’s mission to providing an energizing and oxygenating vitamin-enhanced mountain spring water to fuel an active lifestyle, before, during or after your workouts for your wellness journey.
Chlorophyll Water® is proud to partner with GNC, as GNC sets the standard in the nutritional industry by demanding truth in labeling, ingredient safety and product potency, all while remaining on the cutting edge of nutritional science.
About Chlorophyll Water®:
Chlorophyll Water® is available at, on and sold at select health food stores and organic markets in all 50 states.
Chlorophyll Water®
Chlorophyll Water®
Chlorophyll Water®
+1 833–245–7495
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